PMG Assign From Queue Action
Auto assignments get fancy

If your PMG implementation makes use of work items and queues, you’re probably familiar with the concept of queue auto assignment. In the latest version of the platform, we’ve leveled up on the ability to granularly auto assign work items out of queues.

The new Assign From Queue workflow action supports dynamic work item assignment from a queue directly to one of its members.

This feature is highly useful for circumstances when you know who you’d like to assign work to, but would also like to retain the traditional benefits of queue assigned work. For example, the ability to share work with other teammates effortlessly.

The action simply requires 3 pieces of info:

  • the Human Action Name
  • the Name of the Queue to assign from
  • the User to assign the work to

And that’s all there is to it! Now you’re ready to level up on your auto assignments.