From Compliance to Operations:
Survey on Credit Dispute Management

PMG surveyed 129 industry professionals on dispute management. We asked about their biggest challenges, how regulatory changes could impact them, and what the future may hold.

The issues to address now:

The most pressing issues faced:

Data furnishers wrestle with various dispute management
challenges, including data quality, regulatory compliance
and frivolous disputes.

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To find out more about how data furnishers are navigating the dispute process, download the Fast Facts and read more below:

Get the report here

Respondents represented a broad cross-section of industry stakeholders with the largest concentration coming from the Banking, Secured Credit, and Unsecured Credit sectors.

The average number of monthly disputes reported:

By industry group, Unsecured Credit providers and servicers manage the most monthly disputes.

Automation adoption for dispute management workflows:

Attitudes toward AI and Automation were also polled. We asked respondents to tell us what tools and resources they use to process credit disputes.

To find out more about how data furnishers are navigating the dispute process, download the Fast Facts:

Get the report here

About PMG

PMG, a leader in workflow automation for over 25 years, developed Case Central® for Dispute Management specifically for consumer credit data furnishers. Offered as a secure SaaS application, Case Central supports full compliance with FCRA Reg V guidelines while empowering investigation teams to process disputes 2.5x faster. With an emphasis on user experience, Case Central supports both direct and indirect disputes, and provides a single interface for executing all dispute-related activity. Best of all, evidence for any investigation can be provided in an easy-to-read format with just one click.